R.I.P Daddy. 1/24/2009

Watching you while you're fading away, tears pouring off my eyes,but here I'm saying goodbye
Can't believe it's your funeral,the last thing I imagined you'll die
Sun rays surround the earth, hit my face I feel its heat
I can see nothing but darkness,and my heart stops its beat
A room opens,covered by dust I guess that's a graveyard
And that proves the fact that we'll part
However you're still alive,I watch you everyday unhurriedly dying
Everybody gave up,they're telling a story I'm not buying
But what really tears me apart,seeing you every second suffering from pain
I watch people curing you but nothing you gain
I'm standing helpless waiting for hope to come
Seeing you so strong,I beg you give me some
I can't stand the sight of you losing your life
If illness had any mercy it'd better stabbed you a knife
I regret never imagining how you feel
I refused to admit it was all real
Too slow I witness as you vanish yet you're sitting right next to me
Your eyes begging your illness,to have mercy and set you free
And till today i see no mercy, it's all pain
And it seems that it will forever remain.
I wrote this to my father when he passed away five years ago. I was seventeen back then.
